Showing posts with label healthy lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy lifestyle. Show all posts


Body Cleaning

Body Cleaning

The human body is a perfect system. By nature it was programmed to handle and to clean itself. And if we lived in such conditions, what we really need for the body, everything in us would function perfectly. 

Unfortunately, oftentimes our way of life can not be called perfect. Stress, various medications, irregular and unhealthy diet, lack of exercise even the healthiest person in the long run can make a patient. What to talk about that frequent lives for years in such way, and only when become ill remember that should pay more attention to own body.
Our bodies, like anyone else, get dirty. The cause of the  body's contamination  is inadequate tissue oxygenation, increased free radicals, poor diet. All of these pollutants accumulate, poison the body and cause diseases. Ancient Egypt folk doctors knew how to clean the digestive tract
 and used it to cure many diseases. 

Body Cleaning To remove from the body hazardous substances we can in many different ways, but before taking a radical cleansing of the body techniques, try to understand what is most harmful for you and what you can change.

Sometimes enough just simple ways for well-being and health recovery: eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains on a regular basis and work out every day, drink about 2 liters of water. This will not only helps to feel better, but also to prepare the body for cleansing. As you know, harmful substances excrete from the body through the kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs and skin. Therefore, any measures that strengthen these organs, helps the body to clean itself.

It is important to follow the sequence. First must be cleaned the thick intestine, then liver and gall bladder, then blood and lymph, and finally the kidneys. Doing everything consistently you will prevent toxins from spreading throughout the body.

Body should be cleaned in stages, slowly, intermittently, and most importantly, well knowing what you're doing and why. If for you it is brand new, never tested, the changes going on in your life, you experience a lot of stress and tension, you are exhausted, then put off the cleaning of the body for later time, and the best - find an experienced specialist.

Body Cleaning
If you are going to lose weight, body cleaning is even more important. Most of the toxins, present in our daily food and the air we breathe, are stored in fat cells.

When you start to lose weight, fat cells are burning, toxins are released into the bloodstream.That is why to clean body loosing weight is especially important. In addition, body cleansing helps to rid of the weight  more effectively.

When the body accumulates too many toxins, you get certain signals: constant fatigue, decreased immunity, it becomes difficult to concentrate. The state is familiar? Hence, it is time to get hold of the body cleansing. By the way, there's no need for specific dietary supplements or radical diet if you are not ready - it is enough to complement your menu  with body cleansing products. And, of course, limit the calorie intake: cleaning the body during the day is not recommended for more than 1000-1200 calories per day.

Body Cleaning It is said if we eat healthy food our body is capable to clean itself. So why sometimes our body is incapable of coping with the venom via food or air? In particular, the fact that most people eat inferior food, so do not get enough fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines of toxins. Most overlook to drink enough pure water. In summer, it naturally makes you want more, but in the cold time of year usually water is  replaced with hot coffee.

So  we exploit our body maximum and do not give opportunities to recover almost at all. Body accumulates spots, toxins, and therefore ultimately we feel ourselves very badly. Initially we surprise that seems we eat nothing unusual, even slept well enough. So why  still so much bloating, weight gain, suffer from acne? And finally, difficulty concentrating, headaches, and bad memory?

 Most of the products  have numerous food additives, preservatives, colorings. These substances accumulate in the body and poison it. 

 The answer is one - it is time to clean your body.

How to start healthy lifestyle

 healthy lifestyle

How we understand healthy lifestyle - healthy diet? 
I think we all understand it  a slight differently, but for me  the healthy eating is way I can eat whatever my body asks for,  but just a little. Finally, I discovered a number of principles, which began to apply myself. 

You may guess why I am choosing to give advices? 
Yes, I have medical education and I am fan of healthy life.

 By the way, I am strongly opposed to any diet, because no matter how many times you will go for it, your body get exhausted and after time weight will come back. 
So, if you search for any diet, you will not find it here.

healthy lifestyle Reason you may want go for healthy lifestyle is not only you  have overweight. Some people just want change their lifestyle because of other reasons: illnesses, mindset, wish to look more young and strong...

A healthy lifestyle is a broad term, covering not  one area of life. Many people want to live healthily, but do not know how to start. 

A healthy lifestyle pattern occurs primarily in mind and only then can move into specific actions.  In order to do it you need to be mentally mature. Mentally mature, so you could properly weigh what is more worthwhile - now live unhealthy, injure your body and at the old age to have a stack of severe chronic diseases, or taking care of yourself and also stave off senility and prolong life.

I have heard the opinion that why to live healthily if in one morning you can get hit by car in the street or get nature disaster and die, so better simply enjoy life and eat what you want. Maybe our destiny depends not only on our own, but if to think so it is hardly worth any effort to live. Why to study, to work, if you will be immediately hit by the car? I think such saying is just a good equivocate of lazy people for not to change nothing in life.

About these thought processes I am so much talking not in vain. If a healthy lifestyle will not starts take a place in your head, you really do not start to act in this direction. 

A healthy lifestyle begins with the change of mindset.

Healthy mind - healthy body's start.

The first essential step - change mindset

healthy lifestyleThe first step - sit down and think about how you live now and how would improves your life if you start to live healthy? 

Do nothing, just think - imagine.

Think not only about the present, surrounding routine, but also about the future - close and far, present and old age, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

 If from the first step you feel you are not yet ripe for healthy living, you can not read this article more. 

Let's go from thoughts to actions. 

When to start living healthy? From tomorrow, the next month, from Christmas, New Year, Easter? For large jobs moral preparation is required, but is a distant date is right?
Time is running constantly, and we can't recover any moment of our past. Why not to start a healthy lifestyle now - from this minute? If you are ready to live healthy - remember this minute, it can be a start of your healthy life. 

How to change lifestyle? Lifestyle changes should be gradual. Imagine that today evening you eat fat steak with a beer or wine, but tomorrow morning you will eat vegetables for breakfast, for lunch - grain and for dinner - grain with vegetables. Or, the last year you were year to the TV, but tomorrow will run 10 km or otherwise you will punish yourself  for overweight. Such a drastic change is the high stress for your body. Pointless stress.  On the other hand for many people such drastic changes are not successful because their survivability is low. 

Most people function in the comfort zone, and even not know what great opportunities they have and what luck can bring these possibilities. Do you know what the power have your thoughts? Say yourself that you are tired already not to worry about yourself, and that you can help yourself and that you will start right now.

What is the sense of healthy lifestyle?

  • Refusal of bad addictions.
  • Healthy diet.
  • Physical activity.
  • Stress control.
  • Healthy environment.
  • Medical care.

Feel love for yourself. First, you have to love yourself. 
Healthy living without love yourself is a sad and miserable masochistic game.

Do you love your body? Do you take care of it? 

Your body will give you pleasure as much as you will give to your body. If you wont love your body, do not care about it, the body much more quickly become old and will no longer give satisfaction to you.

We all want to be beautiful, but it is not enough only the desire. All it takes is a small effort and a little time. It will give you satisfaction and power for further steps.

Refusal of Addictions

healthy lifestyle
If you do not smoke - great. Good luck moving to the healthy lifestyle's next steps. I think it is not worth talking about smoking damage because every smoker knows it.

Quitting of smoking is a great stress on the body and requires a lot of will. However, this stress is necessary to survive. Procrastination will not bring anything good - you 'll have to go through this fire, if you do not want continue to injure your health emptying wallet. If I can survive without smoking one day, then you can all life. For quitting of smoking is better to change the environment for at least a week -go to the resort, where you can get away from the routine. New impressions is the best alternative to smoking and is very helpful. Do not forget to take care of your body, it will give you strength.

Remember - alcoholic drunk from the first glass, the same with the smoking, it begins with the first cigarette, even from the first smoke. 

 If you are really tired of being neglected yourself, it is time to plan the exact date of the change of environment and quit smoking.

Healthy Diet

healthy lifestyle
Nutrition is the physiological process associated with useful materials  reception, processing and mastering. Principles of a healthy diet is moderation, variety and balancing.
Moderation -  we should check that one nutritional substance would not dominate in food because even the most necessary materials in excess can be harmful to health.

Variety - eating more varied food appear more likely to get all the materials needed for the body.

Balancing - is the appropriate protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals ratio.

First of all we must eat the most varied diet. Second, maintain a normal body weight. Choose food that contains little fat, especially saturated, and cholesterol (palm oil, lard and so on.). Eat more variety of vegetables, fruit and grain products. The less consumption of sugar and sweets. The less use of alcohol.

healthy lifestyleThe quantity and quality perfectly portray healthy eating pyramid, but no less important is the mode of eating. Nutritional mode - this is eating at a certain time.

Dietary mode is very important, because when comes meal time we get  abundant release of digestive juices, increases appetite, and after meal food is better digested.

Due to the increasing pace of life, people eating adjust to the work, rather than vice versa. Unfortunately, not work keeps us alive, and to do so is far from reasonable.

Do not forget to start a healthy diet should be gradually, slowly. A common mistake is overeating changing to dieting. Man eats a lot for a long time, it starts gnawing conscience of the weight, and then suddenly he resorts to diet, which now there are so many, and one better than the other.
Diet, especially drastic, is a great stress on the body when it begins suddenly, as people usually do, and after a time interrupted again return to the previous overeating.

 The result of such manipulation often is zero, the memory remains the only stress survival. Lose kilos fast again returns to places.
And do not think that for you it will be different. That is lying to yourself.

Otherwise can not be - a brief episode of your life will not change body shape if you return to the old habits. The media often promotes a variety of diets, describes how one or another star was lucky loosing weight. Gullible women trying to do the same thing, but usually do not get the expected result. In my opinion, there is no short diet, providing results.

healthy lifestyleIf such diet existed, we all would knew it and have applied, and here would not been people who are overweight. Speaking about obesity, one of the famous nutritionist, said: "Patients are constantly asking me how to eat, I say to them - if when you are absolutely hungry is 0, and when you are full  is 10, stop eating when you are at 5. Doing so can actually be prevented overeating and weight controlled as well.

In addition to food, we have to drink enough water. During the day is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of water. Try to drink fresh water, no coffee, lemonade, and fresh water. (This recommendation does not apply to people who are on a specific disease - kidney, heart or other systems - have to restrict fluid intake).

Physical Activity

Physical activity is an important part of improving health. Because of technological development people any less moving. Many to the work go by car, at home spend a lot of time watching television or a computer, and often moving only to the extent necessary to go to the kitchen or toilet. Such style of life is not characterized to human, it is not surprising that it is increasing the diseases because of physical inactivity.

healthy lifestyle
The body's systems are closely interrelated, because of one system's damage soon will start be damaged other systems too. I would like to single out to the physical inactivity related disease groups.

 First  - cardiovascular disease - leading people mortality.

Obesity and its related diseases - physical inactivity and unhealthy diet are the main factors causing obesity.

In addition to these groups of diseases, there are a number of problems, which can help to avoid the regular physical activity.

If 15-30 minutes you a day you spend for moderate-intensity physical activity:
The first, you will reduce the risk of fatal diseases. 
Second, you will regulate body weight, body shape will become nicer. 
Third, you will improve memory and concentration, increase your work efficiency. 

You will improve your mood and prevent depression.
Physical activity even reduce the cholesterol in the blood. 
 Improve the quality of life and prolong it. 
All that you can start today.

healthy lifestyleAt first it may be difficult, so it is necessary to have a long-term strategy. The best results you will get not from several weeks of intensive sports, but when physical activity becomes a part of life. How you are washing your face in the morning, brushing your teeth, you also can afford to spend 10-30 minutes for morning exercise. 

Perhaps many will say that it is too hard to get up in the morning, and now would need get up even  earlier 10-30 minutes. However, do you want more efficient job for the rest of the day? Morning exercise will fill your body with energy, which is enough for the whole day.

Start the exercise in the mornings. 

Initially, you may feel that it is difficult to bring yourself to start exercising 2-4 times a week.
 Do not give up and continue.

After months you will need to force yourself just one or a few times a week, and the rest days will become a pleasant daily habit. After a half-year you will have only a few days a month, when you search for an excuse, why can not just exercise. However, the remaining 28 days a month you will be able to enjoy the sport and  high energy.

You will feel how your body is getting stronger, disappears superfluous kilograms, you are becoming more beautiful, more cheerful and have much more energy than when you started  doing sports.

Stress Control

Stress - is a human physiological and psychological state of tension, caused by external and internal stimuli - stressors. Stress on the body depends on its amount and intensity. 

 healthy lifestyleShort-lasting stress stimulates activity, creativity, stimulates the immune system functions. Prolonged uncontrolled stress is harmful to the body, the psyche, and it exhausts the immune system and often becomes a reason of many diseases. To fully avoid stress we can't, we even do not need to do it, much more important is to understand and direct to a friendly manner.

In particular, it is important to understand that stress is not caused by the problem itself, the reason is approach to the problem. This means that the stress you feel as much as you allow yourself to feel.

Prior approaches to the problems, solvability is determined by the ability to control stress. Negative inner conversations increases stress. In case of stress, it is important to understand its internal and the external environment. Take responsibility for what is most important, and what depends only on you and start to act. It will be the smartest steps you can make in a stressful time.

healthy lifestyleThere are things that are important, but not depend on us. You need to understand that they never will not depend on us even if we would like very much. If here is a blizzard outside, we can do anything, but can't control the blizzard, so it is important not to try  suppress it. Instead, we should direct the energy for the things   we can actually change - it is you.

Be aware that the find solution to every problem for you can help advisers - people who may have already solved similar problems - your friends, friends of friends, and even paid consultants. Addressing important issues, it is worthwhile to consult with those who in this field has had more experience than you. 

It is worth recalling - the crisis does not meant to last forever. It is temporary. 

Stressed person often believes that there is no way out anymore, that he has tried everything. The man, experiencing crisis, sees everything like through the black glasses. He observes only what drives the sad thoughts. Good things slip through the cracks.
Many people have experienced similar problems and overcome them successfully. Good idea is to share your experiences with others. You sure are not a loser if failed to solve everything yourself. Sometimes, without the help of others you can not do nothing. 


Healthy Environment 

It was found that the environment determines health by 20%. This, of course, a relatively small number compared to the way of life that determines health as much as 50%. However, on the way to a healthy lifestyle is necessary to take into account all factors. 

 healthy lifestyleDo we often think of in what environment we live? Where we sleep, work, have fun? How many factors have an impact on us in this environment? here we must to mention air and water pollution, noise pollution, electromagnetic smog.

Air pollution's affect may be completely avoided if only moving to the mountains, or other industry untouched corner, or wearing a gas mask permanently. Both ways most of us are not enforced. 

All we really can is to reduce the air pollution's impact on us. Ventilate rooms where you spend a lot of time, but ventilate them during off-peak time, when all the city rides to work or home, but before or after this process.

Noise is our constant companion. It affects our nervous system, causes stress, worry, and mood changes. It occurs due to external causes, which is beyond our control: traffic, neighbors and others. But part of the noise we set for ourselves. To this part I would like to draw attention. If you often feel tired, irritable, it is worthwhile to consider whether it is not an increased noise causing it. 

healthy lifestyle Over the past 20 years we have a significant increase in electromagnetic smog. We do not see it, but it affects us. Television and radio transmitters are installed a long time ago, but now like mushrooms sprouting the mobile phones, the Internet and other wireless transmitters, and all they emit electromagnetic waves.

We can't demolish the transmitter, but it is worth to think how we treat our cell phones. Where we wear them, where leaving for the night. Many even do not think that our cell phone every 2-4 seconds contacts with the station, continually sends a signal and the signal passes through us. Bigger intensity of the phone signals is during a call, sending an sms or mobile internet browsing.

We can no longer live without these means of communication, but it is important to know
 that they affect us, and wiser to deal with them.

For the night turn off the phone and keep it away from the bed. During the phone start up or sending the message keep phone  away from yourself. 

Use a hands-free not just driving. Here fits both: wired and wireless. If you keep the phone away from yourself, even using blue tooth device, connected through wireless communication equipment, you will reduce the radiation exposure. 

Medical Care

Maybe you will be surprised to learn that the medical/health care quality determines only 10% of our health. However, it does not mean that it is not important. 10% of our health is quite a lot.

 healthy lifestyle

Many medical care imagine a hospital. However, medical care is not just diseases. Disease treatment is extremely important, but more important is prevention. Today's medicine cures not all diseases. 

Therefore, more and more popular becomes the term "disease is controlled". This means that while you are on medication, the disease is relatively calm, but in fact you are not healthy. 

Unfortunately, many of the population not hurry to check the health and goes until have strengths, and very often even medicine can't help already. You can use all existing medical care facilities, but you have to take the initiative yourself. Everyone can find a medical professional who fully inspect your health. And it will be one of your better investments.
Nowadays people are no longer sick as individuals, but as a population. Just man and his life is as part of a whole. We are not isolated from our environment, we breathe the same air that breathes our planet. In our blood vessels flowing the same river water, we eat the the same plants which are sprayed with something. Such contamination, the drug amount, such unhealthy environment has never been before. We never had used roundup, dioxin, bisphenol. In addition to the wrong diet, chemical drugs from an early age.

healthy lifestyleEven one fag-end on the ground pollutes a cubic meter of water with heavy metals. For man looks that he nothing did bad. Nothing like that, he did bad not just for himself. If you drop a cigarette and contaminate the water, this water are drinking your children, your grandchildren will drink it, because dioxins remain there long, for decades. It is a cancer-causing substance that circulates right here on earth. Here's an explanation of why an innocent baby is sick.

If we more think about ourselves as a whole and the whole cause-effect chain, then getting any sore part of the body we would not rush swallowing pills, which only suppresses the symptoms but not cure the causes of, and may eventually harm you, not to help. 

I highly respect the doctors who perform the difficult technical work. After all, no other will help if you have broken bones, only surgeon. But you always can find any significant therapeutic option without chemistry. Not only each physician, but also rural woman knows that linden tea is beating down temperature. So why to take chemistry?

healthy lifestyle
In our time for medics is given adequate medical scheme by which he has to treat patients. There is a diagnosis and a cure. In fact, there is almost no longer needed doctors, it is enough to have computer gadget. Fill out the symptoms and get an answer - this and that. However, the fact that many doctors themselves are looking for alternative help for their ill children is no secret. It is very worrisome that from an early age doctors are easy to hand-administered chemical medicine for children.

 I feel sorry for children who are starting to drink the large quantities of chemical drugs in the early age, and no one really worry about kids respond to it, what long-term consequences might be. We know how medications is changing with a time. But  natural products have been and remain the same. Homeopathy stays with us already 200 years, and nothing have changed here.

 In addition to what we are putting in our mouth, yet important and some other things which we are forgetting in constant rushing.  For our health is very useful ability to forgive, refuse anger, the right to cry, and a habit to rest properly. And that means - not near the TV.

healthy lifestyle

50% of health depends on you, on how you will live tomorrow. In fact, we all have the same opportunities, but we have a different levels of desire.  I want to help you take the path of healthy living.

Have a vision of what you want to become. Not what you do not want to be, what you do not want to do, but what you WANT to be, what you WANT to do. If you imagine it, your body will follow your vision. 

Never think "I should..." , think "I must to...."

As long as you TRY to change your life, you will not change it. You need to act and change. No need try to do - need to act.

 Destroy the current patterns of behavior. If you feel that the environment controls you - you are wrong. We manage ourselves and only we decide what is best for us. And if all the time you had no idea that one can spend some moments otherwise, just spend them otherwise and you will be surprised that it is possible.
After some time you will be surprised that many of the elements of a healthy lifestyle you do automatically, for example, got up, go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water, do morning exercises, and many other things without which life has become unimaginable.

Congratulations! It has become a part of your life! 

healthy lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food!"

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine. 

Following a few simple rules and tips of a healthy lifestyle you can prevent serious health problems, a variety of illnesses (cancer also) and even a few years to prolong your life. Probably we can find no man who would not want to be healthy.

The world is in constant changing. The primary reason - continuous expansion and pulsation of the universe. For this reason, all live creatures are also changing and in order to survive as long as possible in time, it must adapt to the environment. Animals exactly are doing so - adapting to the environment. We, civilized people, from the last strengths try not change ourselves, not adapt to environment, but change the living environment and adapt it to our needs. Just a simple question - for how long?

I believe that anyone can be healthy and successful only if balance the three key things: 
diet, physical activity and psyche.

 And I know that only the individual can decide where is his limits.

Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy man is vibrant, has bright head, is resistant to stress, and only the last thing - he is healthy. Health is the basis for happiness and well-being. When we are healthy, we are interested in life, we know how to be happy, have the energy and desire to learn more, to try, to implement. Health is the most precious wealth - it's not corny phrase, but the main value.

Healthy lifestyle is, above all, happiness and constant joy. The difficulties people get only for a transitional period, while the body is transformed, and as long as our brain perceives how well could be without all professed nonsense. Refusing all external stimulants, pretty soon the body renews its function - production and supply of happiness hormone, meditation makes us resistant to stress, and due to physical exercises the body becomes again  young, resilient and tempered, eager and able to enjoy!

I really want to wish you to not stop self-discovering, refuse all stereotypes, and dare to commit to change, because only in the changes and their process we understand what is real happiness. And again, do not delay important things, if you've decided to change something - do not wait for new year or  Monday or better time. Do it NOW.

Healthy LifestyleCivilized man behaves with gross negligence, he is like the man who from the last funds built a very large house, and then take care of it has neither the resources nor the opportunities or abilities. Our house is being built - our civilization. It is very big, it has expanded and encompassed the entire earth, and not only it - we already clamber  into space. But we forget that after we built the house, it should be maintained. 

Otherwise, it will gradually begins to disintegrate and fall down. And after it collapse - here occurs the field, which is cold, wet and windy. When we are used to live on the heated floor, barefoot through the frozen puddles will not skate. Move cucumbers from greenhouse into the garden  - they will not survive. The same with people.

 Yes, I am for each of the survival of life, but only for a healthy and maximally adapted. For me it is important to not only look like and be able to live my grandchildren, but also much further their descendants. I feel much better and I'm happier seeing three healthy grandchildren than 8, but all sickly.

We have gradually become the tree's branch of the of the universe, which still grow a lot of fruit, but they are small, and not tasty. We have in our hands much more power to manage our well-being and life expectancy than we can imagine.

So, how to start?
 We already talked that physical activity, more being in fresh air, proper nutrition and rest - basic principles to help you start living a healthy life. But start of changing your life first of all must be your decision. Without clear decision to change your life, change bad habits  to healthy will not succeed. That means - change your thinking.

Healthy Lifestyle

Wealthy and Healthy Lifestyle

 Wealthy and healthy lifestyle

The phrase "In healthy body - healthy mind" is undisputed, but the question is, what we can do for the body to be healthy, strong immunity and mood uplifting? 

 Wealthy and healthy lifestyleThe start first of all is a decision to change your life and change bad habits to healthy habits. 

Physical activity, exercise, movement, proper healthy nutrition and rest - basic principles to help you start living a healthy life.

 Wealthy and healthy lifestyleAlso ask yourself are you  enjoying your activities, your job? Are you  satisfied with earnings and lifestyle it provides to you? Do your life is separate into two, in principle, different parts - the work and after work? You hardly bear with the first, as the compulsory need, only a second is a real life? And  how about money? Are you satisfied?

All these are just simple questions, but 
they define the quality of your life.

Do you remember at the end of life your gray days? Hardly. 
Remembers only the most vivid moments!
We like to dream and believe that we can reach high! 


Live rich and healthy life! 

I want to share knowledge and opportunity for those who dream of more. 

Challenge monotonous, gray days - everyday work from 8 to 17, vacations 1-2 times a year, the dull, uniform life and social stereotypes. I sincerely believe that every person is able for more. Much more! 
To live a full, rich life, full of vivid emotions, social and financial success, freedom and positivity. 
This is what we call a way of real life! 

It is time to gain courage and pick up the responsibility for your lives into own hands.
 Now is Your Turn! 

 Wealthy and healthy lifestyleI am ready to share the secrets of success and go together with you this challenges path!

I will tell you what you need to do to start living the life you desire.
The secret is that from the outset it is necessary to clearly imagine the life in the way you want to live. And all your activities create in a way that every day, month, year you would draw close to dreamed goal - free time, financial independence and healthy life.

You will be constantly approaching the lifestyle you are dreaming about. Step by step. Through rain, snow and wind. 
And gradually you start getting results - flexibility in planning your time, income, significantly higher than average, health.

Either you create your life, or it happens to you. 

The third option is not given to us.

Faith, hard work and patience are the three conditions that satiate, harden and clears our body, and soul, and spirit.

 Wealthy and healthy lifestyleHealthy lifestyle is based on such main principles: self-control, physical activity, healthy food, exercise, meditation. 
Health is not determined by fate or coincidence -  we are strengthening or destroying it ourselves.

Our body is an instrument given to us for our tasks. If the instrument is damaged, the coefficient of productivity may fall so that the instrument will do more harm than good. 

That is why it is necessary to maintain your body. If your body is not healthy - heal it. If healthy - as a rule make prophylaxis in the form of physical exercise and healthy nutrition. 

Care about your body, and it will serve you well and long.

 Wealthy and healthy lifestyleAge, education - it does not matter. Important is only your desire and perseverance. Everyone can become rich if thinks right and makes right steps. Remember, you always earn so much as much you worth, so you need to rise your value to earn more. Life is too short to become irrelevant. You are not here to become looser, you are here in order to win. If you want to have a lot of money - then you have to begin to move in that direction. 

Success is achieved by simple, monotonous, often boring, but the everyday actions! You can't just wake up rich and famous. You can't to create wealth sitting on your butt near the TV. Although very much people like to think about how suddenly one day they achieve deserved success. Such dreams lead you to nowhere. Only daily actions through small steps can to push you forwards your goals and easy earn for life

Success has its own price - hard work and determination.

Wealthy-and-healthy-lifestyleWhy people, having the same conditions, live very differently and reach different results? Why some people are more successful than others? Why other people earn more money, live happier lives and achieve much more than you? What is the real secret of success?

Self-discipline is something you must have in order to attract success. It is the key to a wonderful life. Without it is impossible to have any success. Self-discipline  should become a habit. And the good news, this habit can be learned! For this you need to understand what is personal development. 

Opportunities to change the lives we have a lot, and keep in mind that the only thing you are sometimes lacking is your initiative and desire to act.

 Change thinking and you will change your future. 

Without myths can not exist any society. Ones are creating myths, others believing in them.  Myths need is especially felt in a critical situation. With them man relate his hopes and explains failures. Particular myths are developed especially in poor, not educated societies. Those who want to find truth always find. We have many ways get to know truth and do not believe myths creators, who very often lie because of own benefit. 

 Many people, constant hearing myths, form some kind of stereotypes and follow them in life.

It seems that we are in a such stage of civilization, when the era of myths should be left in the past. Unfortunately, analyzing we can see that when people are not able to rationally understand something or have a lack of knowledge they are trying to explain it in the irrational methods. This problem humanity faces constantly. It has not fade in us even when we have enough tools to educate ourselves. When a person does not trust his own opinion, views, or not understand what is what, he is looking for support in mysticism or creating new myths. Believe in them. Sometimes these beliefs were too costly...

Open your eyes and see the truth.